Armenians At The

Twilight of The Ottoman Era

News Reports From The International Press

That Armenian Assault

Posted on 01 Aug 1890 in Archives | Comments Off on That Armenian Assault

CONSTANTINOPLE, July 31. — The greater number of the Armenians who were arrested for taking part in the assault upon the Patriarch in the Armenian Cathedral on Sunday last have been released. Twenty-five of them, however, are held for trial.

They will be arraigned before a military council sitting at the Seraskierate (sic!)  (Seraskeriate).

The Sultan’s secretary has ordered the Armenian Patriarch to send a circular to the churches advising the people to abstain from demonstrations. The Patriarch, in the future, will be held responsible for disorders like those that occurred in the cathedral, and, in the event of any such, will be considered an accomplice of the rioters. The Patriarch was also ordered to address a letter to the Sultan asking that severe punishment be inflicted upon the rioters who are held for trial, and expressing his gratitude for the aid rendered by Turkish soldiers in quelling the disturbance in the cathedral. A council, consisting of six Armenian Bishops and several Armenian notables, will meet at the Patriarchate to deliberate upon the character of the reply to be made to the note.